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"It looks easy this, but it's not. Looks like a doss, like a soft option. But living like this, it's a full-time business."

Welcome to rookiebwoy's internet projects container! Established online since May 2021.

My name is Ivan, I'm a guy from Italy.

Beyond the usual pizza, spaghetti, and mandolino I enjoy code, electronics, mechanical keyboard design, videogames, retrogames, pixel art, chiptune, yoyo, and other random skill toys.

Here I try to create a place to share what I'm into, achievements, fails, and project logs. I aim to give back what I've learned through others' tutorials and inspire people to try new stuff.

Got questions? Hit me up on any of my social accounts on the homepage. I will try to answer ASAP!


If you find my work inspiring, a donation/tip is greatly appreciated. I'll use it to cover website expenses (hosting and domain) and to support other creators who have inspired me.

RSS feed

Stay updated about new projects with RSS.


List of websites from my friends and some of those that sparked the inspiration for me to launch my own blog.


All content on this website is available under the CC Attribution 4.0 International license. This means that, if some of my writings have influenced your work, I'd appreciate it if you could acknowledge me, just as I cite the sources that have helped and influenced me.


This is a place for sharing results and tips related to the stuff I do. While most of the code is open source and not intended to be harmful or potentially dangerous, I cannot be held responsible for any incomplete or incorrect information found on this website. The general use of any information or code obtained through this website is entirely at the risk of the user.