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Yoyo Counterweight Design 2020

#5AMay is a famous hashtag in the yoyo community. Its purpose is to push everybody to play 5A style in May instead of their main playstyle.
The 2020 May was very celebrated by the throwers because, on April 28th of the same year, Duncan's patent on counterweight expired. This means that from that date every yoyo manufacturer can produce and sell their own counterweights, get their freehand sponsored players, and promote this style!
If you still don't understand what I'm talking about here's a video of 5A pro player in action.

To celebrate this anniversary I challenged myself to design and put online a different counterweught (CW for short) everyday for all the month of May. It was pretty hard to find new ideas everyday but in the end I am proud of what I've done :)
You can find all the .STL files on both Printables and Thingiverse and download them for free!
Here some of my favourite designs:

A LEGO compatible CW A very painful-to-use CW Boba Fett helmet CW A simple pawn CW

February 2021 update: I just find out that Dylan Kowalski has done a whole video about my CWs! Hey, mum look at me, I'm famous:D

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